Technology & Data Services

Top-notch technology & data services at your finger tips

Technology moves fast and staying on top of the latest solutions can feel like an uphill battle. Whether you’re about to take the plunge and dive into a new technology & data project, or if you have one stuck in the too hard basket, the Remedy team can help. Our project management team, technology & data specialists have the strategies, capabilities, connections, experiences and confidence to deliver what you need, in the shortest possible time.

Want results? Contact us and we can help you at any or every step of the way. Whether it’s a data migration, system implementation, integration, upgrade, or you’re simply looking to optimise what you already have, we have the people, the tools and the know-how. We’re ready to work on the right things, at the right time, to get the job done.

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How we support your technology and data programs

  • Project Management End-to end project management and governance
    Deployment and cutover planning and execution
    Hypercare planning and transition to business as usual
    Vendor and System Integrator management during project delivery
  • Consulting Conduct reviews of existing infrastructure
    Prepare tender documents
    Undertake independent quality assurance
    Perform health checks
  • Technology & Data Services Data migration
    Business analysis
    Business intelligence